E10: Where the Gospel Meets Tim Keller with Love Thy Neighborhood
Download MP3Enjoy a special episode made in collaboration with Love Thy Neighborhood exploring the life and influence of InterVarsity alumnus, Pastor Tim Keller.
In memory of his passing on May 19, 2023, this episode chronicles Tim Keller's formative experiences as a student with InterVarsity at Bucknell University, his extraordinarily influential ministry at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York, and even gives a few heartwarming glimpses inside his personal life.
In memory of his passing on May 19, 2023, this episode chronicles Tim Keller's formative experiences as a student with InterVarsity at Bucknell University, his extraordinarily influential ministry at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York, and even gives a few heartwarming glimpses inside his personal life.
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Creators and Guests
Jon Steele
Jon Steele, a 2011 InterVarsity alumnus from Minnesota State Mankato, lives in Mankato, MN with his wife Kaitlynn and their two daughters. He’s been on staff with InterVarsity since 2012 and has been hosting and producing InterVarsity Alumni podcasts (After IV, InterVarsity World Changers) since 2020. Jon enjoys gaming, reading, and leading worship at his church.