E12: Matthew Best & Seeking Shalom Through Dance
Download MP3How does ballet, tap, and Memphis Jookin provide opportunities to change the world?
Matthew Best (University of Tennessee in Knoxville) would say that the possibilities are endless. Shortly after graduating college, Matthew caught a vision for seeing kids' lives changed by changing their environment. And as the Executive Director (and former student) of the New Ballet Ensemble and School, he recognizes dance as an opportunity to do exactly that. Regardless of their ability to pay, the school provides them them with access to the arts, mentorship, tutoring, and a skillset that will help them excel in college.
Matthew is also consulting with BCM about the upcoming alumni reunion in Atlanta! Listen to the end for more info about the conference and how to register.
Enjoy Matthew's story!
Matthew Best (University of Tennessee in Knoxville) would say that the possibilities are endless. Shortly after graduating college, Matthew caught a vision for seeing kids' lives changed by changing their environment. And as the Executive Director (and former student) of the New Ballet Ensemble and School, he recognizes dance as an opportunity to do exactly that. Regardless of their ability to pay, the school provides them them with access to the arts, mentorship, tutoring, and a skillset that will help them excel in college.
Matthew is also consulting with BCM about the upcoming alumni reunion in Atlanta! Listen to the end for more info about the conference and how to register.
Enjoy Matthew's story!
- Pray for ongoing support raising and provision of resources for New Ballet
- Pray for Matthew and his family as they continue to settle and adjust after moving back to Memphis
- Pray for the Bests to find a church home in Memphis
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Creators and Guests
Jon Steele
Jon Steele, a 2011 InterVarsity alumnus from Minnesota State Mankato, lives in Mankato, MN with his wife Kaitlynn and their two daughters. He’s been on staff with InterVarsity since 2012 and has been hosting and producing InterVarsity Alumni podcasts (After IV, InterVarsity World Changers) since 2020. Jon enjoys gaming, reading, and leading worship at his church.